US Virgin Islands Hotel & Tourism Association

CHTA Live: The Resilience Series &

Caribbean Tourism Health Safety Training Series



On behalf of the Caribbean Hotel & Tourism Association – we thank our industry leaders who participated as panelists for the CHTA Live: The Resilience Series. Our appreciation as well, to the co-facilitators of the Caribbean Tourism Health Safety Training Series – CHTA, CARPHA, CTO, and Ecolab for their collaboration and insights. We commend all those individuals that joined these sessions!


Stay tuned for the announcement of upcoming CHTA Live webinars, and the next Caribbean Tourism Health Safety Training Series to support the regional guidelines and checklists developed to assist your reopening and ongoing operational plans and implementation of health safety standards.


In the meantime, we invite you to watch and share the informative and

detailed webinar recordings available below.

CHTA Live: The Resilience Series Webinar Recordings
Caribbean Tourism Health Safety Training Series Webinar Recordings