US Virgin Islands Hotel & Tourism Association
While today is the last day of National Safety Stand-Down Week, employers can still take this opportunity to talk directly to your employees about fall hazards and the importance of fall prevention in the workplace. Falls are the second leading cause of workplace death. A short, 15-minute talk can help reduce the risk of employee injury from preventable falls. Employees not exposed to fall hazards can be informed about other jobs hazards they face, protective methods and the company’s safety policies and goals. You can even download a certificate of participation after conducting your stand-down!
**Free** Stand-Down Materials & Toolbox Talk: Safety in Paradise (SIP) is unfortunately unable to provide free workshops for this stand-down. However, we have free materials (stickers, handouts, etc.) to distribute to employers interested in conducting their own. In addition, SIP is available to help a limited number of companies with providing a short 15-minute fall prevention toolbox talk through the end of the month. Talks on St. Thomas can be provided in Spanish as well! Please contact us for more information.
National Safety Stand-Down Webpage
National Safety Stand-Down Frequently Asked Questions