US Virgin Islands Hotel & Tourism Association

Helping Businesses Grow and Succeed
Visit us on Facebook, Twitter, Google Business or the USVI Business Hub for updates.
The VI SBDC wants to let our community know that we are available to assist local businesses in the Virgin Islands. St. Thomas/St. John call 340-693-1694 St. Croix call 340-692-4294 email us:

USVIEDA Small Business Resources Webinars
America’s Small Business Development Centers
Small Business Resources
U.S. Small Business Administration PR & USVI District
Seminarios en Espanol
U.S. Small Business Administration (Traducir)

VI SBDC Training Webinars

Register Now

Sign Up Here

SBA Covid-19 Funding Assistance Click on the specific program below for more information.
Restaurant Revitalization Fund (RRF)
Shuttered Venue Operators Grant (SVOG)
SBA COVID-19/ Coronavirus Financial Relief Options
SBA Paycheck Protection Program (PPP)
Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL)
SBA Debt Relief
SBA-CDC Interim Guidance for Businesses and Employers

USVI Small Business Hub

Tutorials on Startup Space for USVI
Overview of Startup Space
Register for Startup Space
Update Profile

USVI Covid-19 Assistance

Tips to Do Right Now to Stay Afloat | USVI SBA Loan Programs Explained 
USVI Guide to Business Resiliency in Times of Disaster
USVI Tips to Prepare for Reopening

St. Croix/St. Thomas/St. John
All VI SBDC In-Person events have been postponed until further notice. Please follow us on Facebook for updates on future events.

VI SBDC Partners
U.S. Small Business Administration
The University of the Virgin Islands
United States Virgin Island Economic Development Authority
University of Virgin Islands Research & Technology Park
St. Croix Chamber of Commerce
St. Thomas/St. John Chamber of Commerce
Virgin Islands Department of Licensing and Consumer Affairs

VI Small Business Development Center 8666 Lindberg Bay St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, 00802 Tel: (340) 693-1694
VI Small Business Development Center 6300 Estate Peter’s Rest, Suite 4 St. Croix, VI 00820 Tel: (340) 692-4294

The Virgin Islands Small Business Development Center (VI SBDC) is partially funded by the U.S. Small Business Administration. Such funding does not constitute an expressed or implied endorsement of any of the co-sponsors or participants’ opinions, products or services. VI SBDC is committed to the policy of providing equal opportunity for all persons. All VI SBDC programs and services are extended to the public on a non-discriminatory basis. Language assistance services are available for limited English proficient individuals. Reasonable Accommodations for persons with disabilities will be made if requested at least two weeks in advance. Join Our Mailing List