US Virgin Islands Hotel & Tourism Association
The CHTA AGM is scheduled for Friday, October 16th from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. ET. It will be held virtually allowing for all CHTA members to attend.
Agenda items for the meeting will include:
- Overview of CHTA’s Focus During the Past Year by the President and CEO/Director General
- Update and Open Discussion on Current Initiatives Being Undertaken
- Election of President, Vice Presidents 1-5, and Treasurer
- Other Business
Should you be unable to attend the meeting, we encourage you to attend via Proxy, which would allow another active member to attend and vote on your behalf. Please click here for the proxy form. If you need assistance in determining who might be eligible to represent you via proxy should you not be able to attend, please contact CHTA at information@
In accordance with the Bylaws for the Caribbean Hotel and Tourism Association, President Patricia Affonso-Dass convened a Nominating Committee on July 10, 2020 for the purpose of recommending a slate of Officers for the 2020-2022 biennium. A Call for Nominations was sent to the Executives and Presidents of the National Hotel and Tourism Associations and the Board of Directors on July 21,2020. Shortly thereafter, members were also notified of the Call for Nominations and the election process for filling positions at the Annual General Meeting on October 16, 2020 for: President, Treasurer and five Vice President positions.
Following a review of nominations received, the Nominating Committee presented a report with recommendations to the Executive Committee which has approved the recommended slate now being presented to the Board of Directors and entire membership as follows:
Puerto Rico – Pablo Torres, Caribe Hilton – President
Jamaica – Nicola Madden-Greig, Courtleigh Group – 1st Vice President
Dominica – Gregor Nassief, Secret Bay – 2nd Vice President
St. Lucia – Sanovnik Destang, Bay Gardens Resorts – 3rd Vice President
Grenada – Leo Garbutt, Calabash Resort – 4th Vice President
At-Large* – Bill Clegg, Best Western/World Hotels – 5th Vice President
Aruba* – Jim Hepple, Tourism Analytics – Treasurer
*Note: Allied members are permitted to be nominated and elected to the 5th Vice President and Treasurer positions.
Please be advised that this does not preclude additional nominations from being presented for consideration at the AGM by five (5) or more Active Members, acting jointly.
Also, be reminded that the President will appoint regional Vice Presidents and committee chairs, ensuring additional engagement, expertise and balance on the Executive Committee, and Committee Chairs will also serve on the Executive Committee.
Further details for connecting to the Annual General Meeting will be circulated.
If attending via proxy, please submit the proxy form to information@
Should you have any questions about the election and the upcoming AGM, please contact Frank Comito at frank@